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Harm & Accountability

Join us on July 8th for an enlightening conversation on harm and accountability within organizing. How does ego, shame and belonging affect our ability to lead, organize and be in community with one another. How are we engaging in conflict resolution? What are our values and how are we practicing them? New book "Rise Up: Harm and Accountability Within Organizing will be available.

Rise Up: Harm, Conflict & Accountability
Within Oranizing

This Zine was developed as a part of a series of workshops, discussions and relationships built around the issues of 
conflict, harm, and accountability within organizing. With this Zine, we want to add to the momentum around elevating how we practice conflict resolution and accountability. Those things that pain us provide us with opportunities to expand our consciousness and level up our skill sets. The goal for  this Zine and supporting materials is:

• Support those who have been harmed.
• Support those who have done harm and are interested in 
evaluating and elevating their own practice of accountability.
• Prevent or lessen future harm by elevating our awareness and skills.

Organizing is sacred. Organizing is a vehicle to drive change. 
Organizing is a powerful tool of liberation and when power is 
in the hands of someone who lacks understanding and wisdom, harm is inevitable.  

Essential Items

Meet the Contributers

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